Why School Uniforms?

Uniforms take the competition out of dress.
When students dress similarly, concentration returns to who students are, rather than what they are wearing, or what they can afford. Uniforms aid in fostering self-esteem by eliminating the external differences that may once have led to students being teased.

Uniforms create a sense of belonging.
As on athletic teams, uniforms are worn for immediate identification and to inspire a feeling of “oneness”. A sense of loyalty emerges, as does an extra effort to perform at the student’s best.

Uniforms enhance individuality.
Uniforms encourage students to develop their personal flair in areas such as music, art, sports, or academics.

Uniforms raise students’ expectations of themselves.
When dressed neatly and seriously, students tend to be calmer, more polite, and more attentive. Students seem to feel more confident in the way they look, and so they have more confidence in themselves.